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Does this sound like an all-too-familiar conversation?

“Mary, come down for dinner.”
“But mom, I’m just finishing my social studies homework.”
“Just finishing? You started right after school and said you only had 5 questions to answer.”
“Yes, mom, I did.”

We all want the best for our children. When you notice an ongoing problem, it’s time to get help. But what could the problem be and where do you turn?

writingIf your child spends a lot more time working on assignments than seems warranted, has difficulty taking notes and isn’t receiving grades that reflect his/her ability, there may be a study skills issue present. Often this will surface “across the board” and may not be subject-specific. This is a good indicator that there’s a problem with work habits and studying. Study skills are a vital part of your child’s ability to accomplish tasks in an effective and efficient manner.

There are many techniques that are addressed in a study skills program. These will help your child get more out of class time, make study time more effective, meet project deadlines and ease test stress by being well prepared. The techniques include:

  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Notetaking
  • Outlining
  • Reading for Meaning
  • Memory techniques
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Test preparation

Instruction in these key areas can make a world of difference in your child’s school performance and confidence. All of this can lead to a new outlook on and attitude towards school.

At Back to Basics, we offer study skills instruction all year round. Learning doesn’t stop in the summer and students can get a jump start on how to approach the year ahead. When September rolls around, they’ll be ready to apply all that they learned and get off on the right foot. Or sign your student up during the school year for simultaneous learning and application. Whatever the time of year we offer flexible options to fit your busy schedule. Our small group classes allow for peer interaction while one-on-one sessions offer individualized attention. We can even set up a class for your child and fellow classmates if there is enough interest!

Whatever your preference, we’re here to help. The important point is to recognize your child’s difficulty early on, know your resources and re-direct him/her onto the road to success!

For more information, please visit Back to Basics website at http://www.BacktoBasicsLearning.com

For 25 years, Back to Basics has been recognized as the area’s undisputed leader in one-on-one tutoring. In addition, the firm offers a unique Nationwide private school for grades K-12 and a Private Business and Trade School for adults. Back to Basics is the 2010 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.